Hospice Care Ottawa
Above and Beyond
NeoLore’s Superior Service Wins Praise from Hospice Care Ottawa
“We needed a higher level of IT support”
In terms of resources, it wasn’t long ago that the growth of an organization occasioned larger premises, and more staff, facilities and parking. Information technology was packed in the same boxes as the typewriters. Times change. Now, the terms ‘expansion’, ‘amalgamation’ or ‘relocation’ invariably lead to a discussion of IT support: how to keep mission-critical systems up and running — how to transition services while maintaining optimum service levels. This is the challenge that faced Hospice Care Ottawa as they began the process of corralling resources, rationalizing costs and improving processes.
The Hospice at May Court (HAMC) and Friends of Hospice Ottawa (FOHO) integrated on January 1st 2013. Through this amalgamation a new residence and a third site was opened in February 2013, resulting in three sites across the city – one in Kanata, and two in Ottawa.
Hospice Care Ottawa offers services for clients and their loved ones to experience palliative and end-of-life care in a supportive and peaceful setting, surrounded by caring that reflects as closely as possible a comfortable home environment.
“It became evident that as the organization grew, IT had to keep pace,” say Rhiannon Dufay, Project Support Coordinator with the Hospice. “At first, we thought it made sense to have vendors take a look at our Kanata building and propose how IT support could function there. Basically, we had to connect the three sites. Also, there were bandwidth and back-up issues. I believed we needed a higher level of support. Plus, it didn’t make made sense to have different vendors supporting different sites.”
A field-tested IT services approach.
Tasked with ultimately unifying IT services across the locations, the Hospice began the process of outlining requirements and gathering quotes. “Initially, a number of vendors offered solutions that didn’t match the size of our organization. They were geared for much larger set-ups and transitions. When NeoLore Networks presented, we knew pretty quickly that here was a company that understood the situation, and that inspired confidence. It was a pleasant change.”
By citing experiences with other similar-sized clients, NeoLore demonstrated a field-tested approach to the specific challenges of Hospice Care Ottawa. “They were very straightforward about the situation we were in, and the resources and time it would take to reach a satisfactory solution,” says Rhiannon. “NeoLore was very down to earth and has respect for the people they’re dealing with.”
Lisa Sullivan, Executive Director of the Hospice, was impressed with NeoLore track record “and the way they outlined how they transitioned other organizations, taking them from an introductory level to the next step. That fi t perfectly with our needs.”
Making an extra effort.
Technical support is as important as front-end work. IT is constantly evolving, and when applied to ever-changing business environments, support becomes more than an area of problem solving: it can be regarded as a strategic investment. “We feel assured that with NeoLore in the background, we’re covered,” says Rhiannon. “They have really made an extra effort to help us with this transition, which is ongoing, and it’s a relief to know they can be contacted at any time.”
Since its founding in 2000, NeoLore Networks’ roster of dedicated services includes a promise to respond to problems within 60 minutes or less, and a guarantee that all completed projects will be on time and on budget.
“We have thirty to forty desktops and laptops and a few servers,” says Rhiannon, “and NeoLore understands how critical it is that we stay connected. They offered some innovative approaches to help us that were developed within the constraints of our budgets. I think that demonstrates how well they understand small business. It makes working with them very comfortable.”
NeoLore’s partnership with Hospice Care Ottawa stands as prime example of the win-win symbiosis generated through trust, integrity, and talent.