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Interactive Audio Visual

Watch, Listen & Learn

NeoLore Networks Delivers Real Solutions with Virtualization

From large format and interactive audio/visual displays to digital signage, Ottawa-based Interactive Audio Visual (IAV) is an industry leader in turnkey AV systems design, deployment and support.

In step with the expanding role of AV in our everyday lives, the company has grown to become a trusted provider of unique communications solutions. “Our focus is on government and what you could term professional accounts, such as legal and medical groups,” says Ian Smith, owner/founder of IAV. “With each solution, you’re always facing a different set of challenges—and that makes it interesting.”

Since starting the company in 2003, Ian has witnessed the steady march of technological progress across the AV industry. “For instance, in many cases, installations can be tethered to an IT infrastructure. So in terms of preventative maintenance, something as basic as a light bulb may be monitored to prevent a display from failing.” If a business has a core foundation in technological achievements, it is critical that systems are optimized for peak performance, efficiency, and reliability.

NeoLore and the Virtualization Solution

The company’s chief concern was stabilizing their enterprise architecture, which in turn demanded upgrades. “We required a reliable IT environment,” says Ian. “To maintain that, you should take advantage of all the options. That’s when we spoke with NeoLore Network. They came in, assessed the situation, and provided many solutions.”

NeoLore suggested virtualization as the optimum approach toward establishing a solid enterprise. The company has a proven track record in virtualization—as applied to laptop and server hardware, operating systems and applications. It approaches virtualization as offering the benefits of improved application performance (with rapid provisioning and dynamic load balancing), simplified data recovery solutions, increased utilization (by consolidating servers), and lower power consumption. It becomes easier to expand infrastructure, and add new servers if required.

Virtualization has been referred to as the process of separating the software layer of a computer or server from the hardware layer of a computer or server. A new layer is placed between the two to act as a go-between. Once a virtualization solution is active, administrators often coordinate pooled resources across a business, freeing IT managers to make more efficient use of infrastructure investments.

“The issues that many companies have with IT systems involve old resources. We had aging servers. You have to keep current,” Ian suggests. “With virtualization, you save money, you simplify maintenance, and you improve speed. Basically, you raise efficiency levels, and that translates into critical areas like system uptime.”

“We’re very pleased with the results”

“A few years ago we contacted NeoLore about IT improvements, and our relationship grew from there,” Ian comments. “Virtualization has helped us across the board. We’re very pleased with the results. When you work with NeoLore, you work with a group that knows their stuff, makes legitimate recommendations, and is always there for you, twenty-four/seven. There’s a real feeling of security.”

As the success of IAV continues to grow, its demands on IT infrastructures—that are stable and innovative—will scale accordingly. Having a partner like NeoLore Networks allows the company to focus on what it does best—provide communications solutions that can make us watch, listen and learn.