Running Cloudera Private Cloud
Course Details | Find Out More |
Code | ADMIN-335 |
Tuition (CAD) | Array |
Tuition (USD) | Array |
This four-day course teaches the architecture, deployment, configuration, and running of CDP Data Services on Embedded Containerized Services (ECS). CDP Data Services are state-of-the-art low code computing fusing together the entire data lifecycle into a single set of tools, reducing the costs of developing Use Cases while accelerating development and deployment. The course begins with practices recommended for managing Docker images and containers resulting in the building of a Docker private registry. The Docker private registry is used to deploy the Data Services cluster on ECS. Students will learn to install, configure, and validate Cloudera Data Engineering, Cloudera Data Warehouse, and Cloudera Machine Learning. Exercises focus on learning Kubernetes, installing Private Cloud Embedded Container Service (ECS), and deploying Cloudera Data Services. The course includes requirements for networking and hardware, and explanations of Kubernetes pods dynamically scaling to support CDP Data Services.
Who Can Benefit
- This immersion course is intended for CDP Administrators who are advancing into CDP Data Services running in a private cloud environment.
- We recommend a minimum of 3 to 5 years of system administration experience in industry. Students must have proficiency in Linux Command Line Interface, knowledge of Identity Management, Transport Layer Security, and Kerberos. Experience with SQL select statements is helpful. Prior experience with Cloudera products is expected, experience with CDP, CDH, or HDP is sufficient. Recommended prerequisite courses:
- ADMIN-230 Operating Cloudera Data Platform
- ADMIN-232 Building Secure Cloudera Clusters
Course Content
Big Data to Big Compute
- The importance of microservices
- Overview of containerized applications
- Design Principles for CDP Data Services
Docker Images and Containers
- Docker cli for images and containers
- Building a containerized application
Architecture for Cloudera Data Platform
- Architecture for Data Platform, Data Lake, and Data Services
- Architecture for Embedded Container Service
Docker Private Registry
- Build a Docker private registry
- Load Cloudera image packages
Clusters for Embedded Containerized Services
- Network requirements
- Hardware requirements
- Cluster recommendations
Shared Data Experience
- The Importance of Ranger, Altas, and Hive Metastore
- Create Ranger policies on Hive databases in support of Cloudera Data Warehouse
Set Up Embedded Container Services
- Managing an air gapped repo
- Securing a Metastore database
- Creating wildcard DNS and wildcard certificates
Install Embedded Containerized Services
- Install Embedded Containerized Services
- Manage ECS Docker registry
Setup Management Console
- Configure secure LDAP
- Configure an administrator
Setup Environments
- Add users and groups
- Create environments
- Assign users to environments
Operate Management Console
- Manage alerts
- Create support bundles
Theory for Kubernetes
- Theory of Kubernetes clusters
- Theory of Kubernetes namespaces
- Theory of Kubernetes deployments
- Theory of Embedded Containerized Services
Manage Kubernetes
- Use Kubernetes web UI
- Use kubectl CLI
- Use K9 terminal interface
Manage Storage for ECS
- Architecture for Storage
- Architecture for Longhorn
Run Cloudera Data Warehouse
- Create virtual warehouses for Hive and Impala
- Administrator virtual warehouses
Run Cloudera Data Engineering
- Setup principals and wildcard certificates
- Create virtual clusters for Spark
- Administrator virtual clusters
Run Cloudera Data Engineering
- Create virtual clusters for Spark
- Administrator virtual clusters
- Administrator workspaces
Administration for Embedded Containerized Services
- Stop and start CDP clusters
- Uninstall ECS