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Build Applications Programmatically on the Salesforce Platform

Course Details Find Out More
Code DEX450
Tuition (CAD) N/A
Tuition (USD) 4500.00

Discover how to design and customize pro-code applications on the Salesforce Platform using Apex, Visualforce markup, and the Lightning Component Framework. In this 5-day class, learn how to develop and deploy custom pro-code solutions by writing and testing custom logic, and by customizing the user interface with basic Visualforce pages and Lightning Web Components. Examine how Apex interacts with no-code customizations on the platform, gain a basic understanding of no-code automation tools, and explore the nuances of working on a multi-tenant platform to build cohesive pro-code solutions that meet business demands.

Who Can Benefit

  • This class is designed for developers looking to write pro-code customizations for business logic and user interface (UI) layers using Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning Web Components. Students will ideally have a solid understanding of core object-oriented programming concepts and experience building no-code solutions on the Salesforce Platform, although this is not required. This is also a great class for developers looking to earn their Salesforce Platform Developer I credential.

Skills Gained

  • When you complete this course, you will be able to:
  • Design custom pro-code solutions that effectively leverage no-code customizations.
  • Write basic Lightning Web Components and basic Visualforce markup and code to customize the UI.
  • Use Apex triggers and classes to write business logic customizations that use Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL), Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL), and Data Manipulation Language (DML).
  • Test Apex by using the built-in testing framework.
  • Explain how trigger code works in accordance with the Salesforce Order of Execution.
  • Understand key fundamentals of designing programs on a multi-tenant platform.
  • Use Visual Studio Code, the Salesforce Extension Pack, and Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI) to learn about modern tools for developing on the Salesforce Platform.

Course Content

Lessons and Topics

  • No-Code Automation
  • Create Formula Fields
  • Create Roll-Up Summary Fields
  • Understand Record Types and Dynamic Forms
  • Review Additional Automation Tools

  • Apex Coding
  • Define Apex
  • Identify Key Characteristics of Apex and Other Coding Languages
  • Examine the Role of Transactions and Governor Limits in Writing Apex
  • Build a Simple Apex
  • Discover sObjects, Primitive Data Types, and Basic Control Statements

  • Org Data Retrieval Using SOQL & SOSL
  • Define SOQL
  • Write a Basic SOQL Query
  • Process Query Results with Apex
  • Create a Query Dynamically at Run-Time
  • Define a Relationship Query
  • Query Parent-Child Relationships Using SOQL
  • Write Child-to-Parent and Parent-to-Child Relationship Queries
  • Define SOSL
  • Search Data Using SOSL

  • Org Data Manipulation Using DML
  • Define DML
  • Identify Different Methods for Invoking DML Operations
  • Use Apex to Invoke DML Operations and Handle DML Errors

  • Deployment
  • Define Deployment
  • Deploy Code Using Change Sets
  • Examine Managed, Unmanaged, and Unlocked Packages
  • Explore Salesforce DX
  • Discover the Salesforce DevOps Center

  • Apex Trigger Essentials
  • Define Apex Triggers
  • Review Apex Trigger Use Cases
  • Examine Trigger Definition Syntax
  • Use Trigger Context Variables

  • Apex Class Essentials
  • Define Apex Classes
  • Review Apex Class Use Cases
  • Identify Apex Class Data Access Capabilities

  • Order of Execution, Apex Transactions, & Platform Events
  • Define the Salesforce Order of Execution
  • Discover How Triggers May be Used and Impacted by the Order of Execution
  • Examine the Apex Transaction Lifecycle
  • Learn Static Attributes of Memory Lifecycles
  • Implement Error Logging Using Platform Events

  • Apex Testing
  • Define the Apex Testing Framework
  • Create Apex Test Data
  • Write and Run an Apex Test
  • Review Apex Testing Best Practices

  • Design Strategies for Efficient Apex Solutions
  • Identify Apex Code Writing Best Practices
  • Use Input Data Batches to Write Apex Triggers and Classes
  • Write Efficient Database Querying and DML Code

  • Apex Trigger Design Strategies
  • Define No-Code Solutions to Implement Complex Business Logic
  • Improve Pro-Code Solutions Using No-Code Functionality

  • Visualforce
  • Create a Basic Visualforce Page
  • Reference Standard Controllers
  • Display Record Data in a Visualforce Page
  • Reference Custom Controllers and Controller Extensions
  • Utilize List Controllers
  • Identify Fundamental Considerations for Visualforce Development

  • Lightning Web Components
  • Review the Lightning Component Framework
  • Examine Aura and Lightning Web Component Structure
  • Create Custom Lightning Web Components
  • Create a Custom Lightning Application
  • Utilize Lightning Web Component Properties and Events
  • Display and Modify Record Data
  • Reference Base Lightning Web Components
  • Reference the Salesforce Lightning Design System
  • Surface Custom Lightning Web Components

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