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Impacts of 5G for the Success of the Business

Posted on Monday, April 12, 2021 and filed under

5G is critical to the competitiveness and future success of America's small businesses | CIO

5G is all over the news these days, and while many might not be familiar with its potential, business owners are aware of how it can influence growth. Here are some key attributes that will impact businesses through 5G:


Increased network capacity allows more devices to communicate with each other. Experts predict that introducing 5G could increase connectivity by 500 times as compared to 4G. Companies can witness an increase in efficiency by using the Internet of Things while managing fleet or machinery.

Boosted bandwidth

5G expects to bring high downloading speed, improving the performance of applications.

  • 4G download speeds= 100Mbps
  • 5G downloads speeds= 10Gbps

Companies can expect to see greater efficiency in sending presentations and files. This can be quite beneficial for remote workers, especially allowing them to communicate via HD videos regardless of where they are.

Increased opportunities with lower latency

Latency is the response time to send or receive something. 4G latency amounts to 50 milliseconds, whereas 5G will reduce it to merely one millisecond. Business can stream high-quality videos without experiencing any glitches or buffering and is useful in terms of VR, virtual room tours, and 3D applications.

The benefits seem to pile up on one another; it is safe to say many future operations will rely on 5G.